Marzena Fuller

Strategic technical security leader with a high level of personal integrity, innovating the way SaaS companies secure data. With experience building security, risk and compliance programs at successful big data and machine learning security companies, as well as a consulting firm, brings a customer-oriented approach to information security. Recognized for questioning status-quo, staying apprised of cutting-edge industry trends and incorporating innovative technology in security program. Selected areas of expertise:

• Building and managing global technical security teams
• Cloud security architecture (AWS, Microservices)
• Secure System Development Lifecycle, DevSecOps
• Encryption and PKI
• Identity and Access Management
• Security Monitoring and Incident Response
• Data Privacy, GDPR
• Data loss prevention
• Compliance frameworks (ISO 27001, ISO27018, PCI, SOC 2, HIPAA, FedRAMP/NIST800-5